Our focus has changed! After 20 years of observation and research we are prepared to disclose our results. They are NOT what we expected and go beyound the original science we began with.

The results of the 20 years of observation combined with the last 13 years of review of Biblical Prophecy have led to a unexpected conclusion. This is the story of a lifes work and how it has led me to a film about the “End Times” predicted in the Bible. Yes, it intrinsically connects Solar and Lunar Eclipses.

I need your help now to compete my lifes work! Simply stated, I cannot afford to post-produce my film. I need to raise about 75K to complete the film. Please contact me if you would like to contribute! I can assure you that this film is REVELATORY! It follows me across 20 years of obsessional struggle to make sense of my journey and concludes with what was at the last minute revealed to me about God’s Timetable! Eclipses and Bible Prophecy, an unlikely combination but one which will make complete sense as you follow along with my investigations. In the end, I make an argument for God’s Timetable for the End Of This System of Things as referred to in Scripture.

This project was not what I intended when I started this interest. You will come to see that as time progressed, my investigations made many twists and turns and surprisingly ended in a startling conclusion.

Do you want to know more? If so, please consider helping finance the completion of my film.