The Eclipse MegaMovie is our effort to leverage millions of people across the entire USA and use their own "Smart Phones" to "Crowd Source" thousands and thousands of images from all along the path of totality in a unique experiment. By combining these iamges the experiment hopes to capture a contiguous "movie" of the entire 90 minute landfall of totality.
Jay Ryan is best known as an “Astronomical Cartoonist,” in which he uses multi-panel illustrations to visualize topics from astronomy. His educational astronomy comic strip features Starman and SkyWise were popular in amateur astronomy and planetarium circles around the USA and the world. Jay is also the author and illustrator of CYCLES: An Illustrated Introduction to Astronomy and Time, a 32-page educational astronomy comic book published and distributed by the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. American Eclipse USA is his website for promoting the 2017 American total eclipse of the Sun.
the International Association of Astronomical Artists
The IAAA is the world's only guild of artists dedicated to creating images of space. We paint, draw, sculpture, blow glass, and move pixels to show galaxies, stars, planets, moons, anywhere that the imagination can go, but a camera cannot.
SkyWatcher USA are the officially endorsed suppliers of the StarAdventurer Tracking Mount for the project.
A site dedicated to the 2017 eclipse with viewing information, maps, animations, news, event details, and merchandise.
The next Eclipse 2017 workshop will take place in Carbondale, Illinois, on Friday and Saturday, 10 and 11 June 2016, at the SIU Carbondale Student Center, hosted by Bob Baer and Shadia Habbal. Friday's morning session will be open to the public at large, with presentations to inform the public about the total solar eclipse of 2017. Posters will also be presented to the public at SIU Student Center in the Corker Lounge. The Friday afternoon and Saturday sessions will follow a schedule similar to those at previous workshops with presentations alternating with smaller group discussions, and a final presentation of small group results. Topics will include: The Role of Media, Educational Message - Several local teachers are expected to attend, Education Goals, Alignment with Co-STEM, Events, Partnerships / Collaborations, Citizen Science / Student projects. Webcasting of Day 1 is to be done by WSIU campus PBS station staff. We will post the broadcast link here when it becomes available.